Edit a course map

First record and share a course.

Then navigate to MyCourseWalkCDE.com.

Click the user account button in the top toolbar to bring up the profile menu. Log in if necessary.

Log In

In the profile menu click on "My CourseWalks".

Select the course you want to print from the map or list.

My Profile

Edit the description

Click the edit button and then "Edit Description".

Course Edit Menu

A page similar to the screenshot below will be loaded. Make all necessary changes and press the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.

Course Edit Form

Edit the map

Click the edit button and then "Edit Map" to edit the course map.

A page similar to the screenshot below will be loaded.

Course Map Edit
Editing the track
Zoom to the location you desire to make edits. Click the "Edit" button to bring up the editing menu. Then click "Edit" under the "Track" section to make edits to the track. Little white and grey boxes will appear along the red line. Click on a white box to remove a point. Drag a white box to change the location of a point. Drag a grey box to add a point. Click the disk icon to save your changes when you are done.
Editing the position of the obstacles
Click the "Edit" button to bring up the editing menu. Then click "Edit" under the "Obstacles" section to enable dragging of the obstacles. Drag the obstacle icons to the desired location along the track. Click the disk icon to save your changes when you are done.
Editing the position of the compuslory flags:
Click the "Edit" button to bring up the editing menu. Then click "Edit" under "Compulsory flags" to enable dragging of the compulsory flags. Drag the compulsory flag icons to the desired location along the track. Click "Save changes to compulsory flags" when you are done.
Editing the position of the course pictures
Click the "Edit" button to bring up the editing menu. Then click "Edit" under the "Pictures" section to enable dragging of the course pictures. Drag the camera icons to the desired location. Click the disk icon to save your changes when you are done
Adding a new obstacle
Click the "Edit" button to bring up the editing menu. Then click "Add" under the "Obstacles" section to add a new obstacle along the track.
Adding a new compulsory flag:
Click the "Edit" button to bring up the editing menu. Then click "Add" under "Compuslory flags" to add a new compuslory flag along the track.
Adding a new course picture
Click the "Edit" button to bring up the editing menu. Then click "Add" under the "Pictures" section to add a new course picture.
Renumbering of the compuslory flags:
Click the "Edit" button to bring up the editing menu. Then click "Edit" under "Compulsory flags" to enable renumbering of the compulsory flags. Click the compulsory flag icon to renumber. Select a new number under "Change number". The compulsory flags will be renumbered accordingly. Click "Save changes to compulsory flags" when you are done.
Deleting of the compuslory flags:
Click the "Edit" button to bring up the editing menu. Then click "Edit" under "Compulsory flags" to enable deleting of the compulsory flags. Click the compulsory flag icon to delete. Click the "Delete" button to remove the compulsory flag. Click "Save changes to compulsory flags" when you are done.
Create a drawing
Click the "New drawing" button to bring up the drawing tools. Your drawing is saved automatically as you draw. Drawings can be reused on other maps by clicking on the "Open drawing" button.

Edit the obstacles

Click the edit button and then "Edit Obstacles".

A page similar to the screenshot below will be loaded.

Make the necessary changes to the obstacles and save you changes by clicking the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.

Edit Fences